Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Postcards. Love on the Paper.

Always love postcards!  It's such a feeling when you get real letter or card with post stamps and marks from traveling!  Smell of new pressed paper and ink! Not digital , the Real one, full of energy of sender, his care and love . Better if it's written by hand or personal stamped. And then you know that person spent not only time , energy and thoughts , but he really was care about you.
 When I was traveling a lot, I tried to send my parents cards from places I visited . I always searched for the best card you can find, loved the one with map and mark "I'm here!". And my mom kept them on her mirror when I arrived! 
Now I prefer to make my own cards( you can buy everything you need in the craft stores)! Stamps , paper flowers and birds, leaves and cute details to make it very personal, no limits for you imagination! Nowadays people become very impersonal . They think more about them self, to change that send a card or few to people you love today, remind them that you love them and care about their friendship! 

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